'Let\'s go on a Multicultural Trip to learn about Food and Cultures in this Preschool Read Aloud Story, My Food Your Food! The story is written by Lisa Bullard and illustrated by Christine M. Schneider. Manuel\'s school is having food week where each child gets to tell about something special that his/her family eats. Go around the world sampling food and seeing how alike and different food can be! YOUTUBE If you\'d like to join our preschool community and receive supplemental activities to go along with our themes and lessons, please email gisa@butterflygardenpreschool.com COME SAY HI!!! website: www.butterflygardenpreschool.com instagram: instagram.com/butterflygardenpreschool/ facebook: facebook.com/butterflygardenpreschool/ WHERE TO BUY https://amzn.to/3bXBwnM My Food Your Food EDITOR Adele Nico'
Tags: Food , culture , diversity , culinary , protest , preschool learning , protesting , multicultural , blacklivesmatter , food around the world , socialjustice , foodaroundtheworld , foodandculture , socialjusticeforkids , antiracism education , antiracisteducation , antibiascurriculum , anti-bias curriculum , protest2020 , georgefloyd , justiceforfloyd , racial injustice , mutluticulturalstorytime , multicultural stories , multicultural storytelling , multiculturaleucation , multicutulturalbooks , multi-cultural books
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